Episode 17 – Is the Relationship Too Far Gone? Part 1 – Where are you at in your Relationship

Episode 17 – Is the Relationship Too Far Gone? Part 1 – Where are you at in your Relationship

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Part One:
Knowing where you are at in your relationship.

This is a four part series that we are breaking out (most likely) over eight weeks.

When is it time to call a relationship over…  OR, NOT!

Things we touch on…

Patricia talks about the first few levels of the 7 levels of energy intertwined with the stages of grief.

VERY SIMPLISTIC explanation for levels of energy
  • Level one – place of victimhood, lack, etc.
  • Level two – Fight, angry etc.
  • Level Three – Coping and settling
Grief and loss and how they correspond to the energy levels above
  • Denial  (Level 3 energy)
  • Anger (Level 2 energy)
  • Bargaining (Level 3 energy)
  • Depression (Level 1 energy)
  • Acceptance (Back to your average resonating level)

(Patricia can take you through and help you understand you and where you are and where you typically reside in your levels if you want a more personal tool!)

How do you know it is too late?

When trust is broken

The first 3 of 11 ways we can know love is still at play in our relationships

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