Episode 23 – Squirting – A Podcast Discussion Now – A Facebook Live Later on Monday Dec 30

Episode 23 – Squirting – A Podcast Discussion Now – A Facebook Live Later on Monday Dec 30

00:00 / 40:14

Patricia’s back for a week… a break from the break!  Patricia is doing a Facebook Live and we wanted you to all know about it!


  • What is squirting?
  • Where is it from?
  • How our bodies reflect our culture!  Isn’t THAT interesting!
  • Shame.
  • 90% of females in Rwanda squirt… 90% 
  • The story of how the culture became so squirt positive from a story teller and the book Kunyaza… the secret to female pleasure. 

“The knowledge of sexuality and sexual techniques is so much more cultural than instinctive. Cultures less sexually repressive than our own western cultures celebrate the existence of female orgasm and teach their members methods of achieving pleasure. In such cultures female orgasm is expected.”

Patricia goes to the gynecologist!

-The Dr. and talking to them about sex

We touch on drugs and hydration and being able to squirt.

“Squirting”  Do we need another name? Judy thinks we might.  Submit your idea to the website as a comment to the episode or on the Facebook post!

Below is from Patricia’s Facebook invite post.

The group can be found here…

⛺️ I get a lot of women that want to learn how to squirt.

⛺️ Western Society ( our own culture peeps) tells us the ability to squirt is ..

💥 like a mythical unicorn – men’s holy grail

💥 only happens in porn movies or with slutty women

💥 is dirty or just pee (it’s not just pee and by the way there is some pee in men’s ejaculate too.)

💥 only men’s ejaculation should be celebrated

💥 that women shouldn’t have so much sexual enjoyment that they let go in the throws of pleasure. That’s just for men.

💥 that the “whites” referring to White Anglo Saxon Protestants are prudes and too uptight to give their men the satisfaction of driving us wild.

💥 that the female anatomy is still a mystery. Only in 2009 was the actual structure or the ENTIRE clitoris published in medical books. There is still debate if the G-spot exists.

💥 that marketing and porn want women in a constant place of comparison to keep us from unleashing our sexual privilege and Goddess power as a united front, banishing jealousy and fear amongst women.


🎪 Sex became a celebration of connection?

🧘🏼‍♂️ You could release sexual energy freely and enjoyably?

🧠 Your mind was flooded with the positive chemicals for health, sleep, and happiness without penetration?

💏 You connect with your partner in a deep place of satisfaction and joy at the pleasure you bring each other?

🌿 You learn a completely new way to achieve orgasm that increases libido and chance for orgasm that is holistic and requires NO medicinal treatment?

🎁 You make your partner feel like the best lover on earth as he/she makes you gush with pleasure?

Join me for a live FREE event to learn about the elusive fountain of youth, SQUIRTING and the practices of a country where 90% of women squirt and it is widely a part of their culture and norms.

Monday, December 30th at 7pm CST


*Private Message Patricia or comment on her Facebook page post for an invite.


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