Episode 9 – Listener Question – How Can You be Sex/Body Positive Without Being TOO Sex/Body Positive

Episode 9 – Listener Question – How Can You be Sex/Body Positive Without Being TOO Sex/Body Positive

00:00 / 57:09


How can you be sex/body positive without being too sex/body positive?

We didn’t want our son to have any hang ups about sex so from a very early age we tried to teach that all body parts were perfectly normal and fine. And we tend to walk around naked. Now that he’s older (but still prepubertal), he sometimes wants to poke my breasts (in a teasing, nonsexual way), and touch penis tips with his dad (because it’s funny).  We are trying to figure out how to explain that all body parts are normal but some body parts are still kind of off limits in certain ways.


  • Ages where kids can begin to understand consent
  • Fluid Boundaries VS walls and rules
  • Boundaries and psychological health
  • Privacy VS secrecy
  • Positive reinforcement
  • Intent of the child is play…
  • Whose property is a pregnant belly?
  • A sense of humor that feels like bullying
  • Staying in our power in our body but respectfully flexing out boundary muscles… how do we do that?
  • Family and relationship “safe words”!
  • Shame and guilt
  • Boundaries with adult children – Still learning to navigate the world.

Mentioned in Outro

The Best Dirty Jokes You Can Tell to Your Kids

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