Episode 10 – You, Plus Me, Plus Your Phone… Makes an Orgy

Episode 10 – You, Plus Me, Plus Your Phone… Makes an Orgy

00:00 / 44:46

How many people are we allowing into our bedroom… into our sex life… when we bring our phone to bed?

Patricia’s phone routine. (Wonder how we’d all feel if we were able to follow her lead?  It sure is something to think about… how do the little things affect us!?)

Phone apps and the questions they cause in our relationships… inspire in ourselves?

Phones, Phone apps, insecurity jealousy. Opening the door for cheating?

Patricia’s fear for humanity.

“IF he paid as much attention to me as phone…”

What parental controls do we put on ourselves to keep us balanced?

AN article Judy found with some lovely ideas for using our phones for good!

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