You have walked through the series and the steps thus far…
1. Knowing where you are at In the relationship (Episodes 17 & 18)
2. Knowing when it is time to call it quits – Leaning into intuition and trusting yourself (Episode 19)
3. Knowing how to do that in an adult manor communicate what you need to express (Episode 27)
4. What to do next (Episode 28)
Patricia and Judy talk about…
Hard conversations…. Be they an hour or a few days long.
Patricia shares about her personality and flow – in and after tough conversations as the receiver and the giver.
What do and can those hard conversations look like?
How can we maximize communication and good outcomes for everyone.
What do we need after hard conversations?
Decision making from those conversation. (Change something or remain the same?)
Needing help or support?
Insights to – How coaches and therapists work and focus differently.
People are craving connection…
- We are more connected than ever and less connected at the same time.
- Ways we find and feed connection can look very different for each of us
Know your values
Know yourself
Know who you are with a partner
Men and women… some differences
Men tend to need validation and positive reinforcement
Women need to feel appreciated and loved
The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts by Gary Chapman
The Five Languages of Apology: How to Experience Healing in All Your Relationships by Gary Chapman