Episode 8 – Prostate part 2 – Sex without penetration

Episode 8 – Prostate part 2 – Sex without penetration

00:00 / 29:57

Thoughts and ideas to help both men and women engage when there is a prostate, or other, issue challenging their penetrative sex life.

Sex without penetration… what can I do if that is off the table?
A few things we touched on

  • Mutual masturbation… ideas and benefits!
  • SkyDancing tantra
  • Kunyaza – Check this out ladies and gents)
  • Cuddling parties for intimacy
  • Milking the prostate

Pain…to pleasure/intense sensation to orgasm… CAREFULLY!

Communicating with your doctor about what “sex” means when there are restrictions.

NOTE! This podcast is for informational purposes only.  ALWAYS check with your doctor if there is pain, blood in your urine, etc.  Be safe!

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